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R32 Portlaoise Abbeyleix, Abbeyleix Demesne, Acragar, Addergoole, Afoley, Aghaboe, Aghafin, Aghamaddock, Aghamore, Aghduff, Aghmacart, Aghnacross, Aghnahily, Aghnahily Bog, Aghoney, Aharney, Akip, Altavilla, Anatrim, Annagh, Annamoe, Anster, Archerstown, Ardlea, Ardvarney, Ashbrook, Attanagh, Avoley, Badgerhill, Badgerisland, Baggottspark, Ballagharahin, Ballaghmore, Ballaghmore Lower, Ballaghmore Upper, Ballina, Ballinaclogh Lower, Ballinaclogh Upper, Ballinakill, Ballinfrase, Ballinla, Ballinlough, Ballinrally, Ballintaggart, Ballinteskin, Ballintlea, Ballintlea Lower, Ballintlea Upper, Ballintogher, Ballyadding, Ballyboodin, Ballybrittas, Ballybrophy, Ballybuggy, Ballycarnan, Ballycarroll, Ballycleary, Ballyclider, Ballycolla, Ballycolla Heath, Ballycoolan, Ballycoolid, Ballycormick, Ballycrossal, Ballycuddahy, Ballycullenbeg, Ballydavin, Ballydavis, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyfarrell, Ballyfin, Ballyfin Demesne, Ballyfin Upper, Ballygarvan Glebe, Ballygauge Beg, Ballygauge More, Ballygeehin Lower, Ballygeehin Upper, Ballygillaheen, Ballyglass, Ballyglishen, Ballygormill North, Ballygormill South, Ballygowdan, Ballyhegadon Glebe, Ballyheyland, Ballyhinode, Ballyhorahan, Ballyhuppahane, Ballykealy, Ballykeevan, Ballykelly, Ballykenneen Lower, Ballykenneen Upper, Ballykilcavan, Ballykillane, Ballyking, Ballyknockan, Ballylusk, Ballymackan, Ballymacrory, Ballymaddock, Ballymanus, Ballymeelish, Ballymooney, Ballymorris, Ballymoyle, Ballymullen, Ballynafunshin, Ballynahimmy, Ballynahown, Ballynalacken, Ballynalug, Ballynamuddagh, Ballynaslee, Ballynevin, Ballynowlan, Ballyoskill, Ballyowen, Ballypickas Lower, Ballypickas Upper, Ballyprior, Ballyquaid Glebe, Ballyreilly, Ballyrider, Ballyroan, Ballyruin, Ballyshaneduff, Ballytarsna, Ballytegan, Ballythomas, Barkmill, Barnaboy, Barnadarrig, Barnasallagh, Barny And Bealady, Barrackquarter, Barradoos, Barrahill, Barranaghs, Barrawinga, Baunaghra, Baunbrack, Baunoge, Baunogemeely, Baunreagh, Baunree, Bauteogue, Bawn, Bawnaree, Beckfield, Beckfield North, Beckfield South, Beladd, Belan, Bellair, Bellegrove, Benfield, Bigbog, Binbawn, Birchwood, Bishopswood, Blackford, Blackhills, Bockagh, Boghlone, Boherard, Bohernaghty, Boley, Boleybawn, Boleybeg, Boley Lower, Boley Upper, Bolnagree, Borderreen, Bordowin, Bordwell Big, Bordwell Little, Borraghaun, Borris Great, Borris In Ossory, Borris Little, Boston, Boyle, Braccas, Bracklone, Brandra, Brennanshill, Briscula, Brisha, Brittas, Brocka, Brockagh, Brockaghbeg, Brockley Park, Brockra, Brockry, Brogherla Big, Brogherla Little, Bughorn, Bunastick, Bunlacken, Bushfield, Butterisland, Caher, Camcloon, Camira Glebe, Camphill, Camross, Cannonswood, Capard, Cappabeg, Cappagh, Cappagh North, Cappagh South, Cappakeel, Cappalane, Cappalinnan, Cappanacleare, Cappanacloghy, Cappanagraigue, Cappanarrow, Cappanashannagh, Cappaneary, Cappanrush, Capparogan, Cappoley, Capponellan, Cappusteen, Cardtown, Carn, Carricksallagh, Carrigeen, Carrowreagh, Cashel, Castleconor, Castlecuffe, Castledurrow Demesne, Castlefleming, Castlegrogan, Castlemarket, Castlemarket East, Castlemarket West, Castlequarter, Castletown, Castletrench, Castleview, Castlewood, Cavansheath, Chapelhill, Churchfield, Churchtown, Clarahill, Clarbarracum, Clash, Clashboy, Clashnamuck, Cleanagh, Clogh, Cloghoge, Clonadacasey, Clonaddadoran, Clonageera, Clonagh, Clonagooden, Clonaheen, Clonanny, Clonard, Clonaslee, Clonawoolan, Clonbane, Clonbarrow, Clonboyne, Clonburren, Cloncanon Lower, Cloncanon Upper, Cloncosney, Cloncough, Cloncourse, Cloncullane, Cloncullen, Cloncully, Clondarrig, Clondoolagh, Clondoolusk, Clondouglas, Clonduff, Cloneeb, Clonehurk, Clonenagh, Clonfad, Clonin, Clonincurragh, Clonkeen, Clonlahy Corporation Land, Clonlyon, Clonmeen North, Clonmeen South, Clonmeenwood, Clonminam, Clonmore, Clonoghil, Clonoghill, Clononeen, Clonoonagh, Clonreher, Clonroosk, Clonroosk Little, Clonrud, Clonsoghey, Clonterry, Clontycoe, Clontyglass, Clonygowan, Clonyhurk, Clonyquin, Cloonagh, Cloonagh Beg, Cloonagh More, Cloosecullen, Clopook, Clorhaun, Closeland, Coldmanscurragh, Colt, Cones, Cookesfield, Cool, Coolaboghlan, Coolacurragh, Coolagh, Coolbally, Coolbanagher, Coolcorberry, Coolderry, Coole, Coolfin, Coolkerry, Coolnabacky, Coolnabanch, Coolnabehy, Coolnaboul East, Coolnaboul West, Coolnacarrick, Coolnacartan, Coolnacrutta, Coolnagour, Coolnamona, Coolnamony Lower, Coolnamony Upper, Coolnavarnoge And Coolaghy, Coolowley, Coolrain, Coolroe, Coolrusk, Cooltederry, Cooltoran, Cooltycanon, Corbally, Corporation Land 1st Division, Corporation Land 2nd Division, Corporation Land 3rd Division, Corraun, Correel, Corrigeen, Cottagefarm, Course, Court, Courtwood, Crannagh, Creelagh, Cremorgan, Cromoge, Cross, Crossfield, Crubeen, Cruell, Cuddagh, Cuffsborough, Cullahill, Cullahill Mountain, Cullenagh, Cummer, Curraclone, Curragh, Curraghacronacon, Curraghmore, Curraghnadeige, Curriersbog, Cushina, Cush Lower, Cush Upper, Dairyhill, Danganroe, Dangans, Debicot, Deerpark, Delligabaun, Dernamanagh, Derraugh, Derreen And Carrowreagh, Derrin, Derrinduff, Derrinoliver, Derrinsallagh, Derrintray Glebe, Derry, Derryarrow, Derry Beg, Derrybrock, Derrycanton, Derrycarrow, Derrycloney, Derrycon, Derrydavy, Derryduff, Derryfore, Derrygarran, Derrygile, Derryhay, Derrykearn, Derrylahan, Derrylemoge, Derrylinneen, Derrylusk, Derry More, Derrynafunshion, Derrynaseera, Derryounce, Derryroe, Derrytrasna, Derryvilla, Derryvorrigan, Donaghmore, Donore, Dooary, Doolough, Doon, Downs, Drim, Drimaterril, Drimhill, Drimmo, Drinagh, Droughill, Drumashellig, Drummond, Drumnabehy, Drumneen, Dunacleggan, Dunmore, Durrow, Durrow Townparks, Dysart, Dysartbeagh, Earlsgarden, Eglish, Elderfield, Emo, Emo Park, Errill, Erris, Esker, Eyne, Fallowbeg Lower, Fallowbeg Middle, Fallowbeg Upper, Farraneglish Glebe, Farranville, Fatharnagh, Fearagh, Fermoyle, Fernyhill, Firoda Upper, Fisherstown, Forest, Forest Lower, Forest Upper, Forgeland, Fossy Lower, Fossy Upper, Foxburrow, Friarsland, Galesquarter, Garrafin, Garranbaun, Garranmaconly, Garrans, Garrintaggart, Garrison, Garroon, Garryduff, Garryglass, Garryhedder, Garryhinch, Garrymaddock, Garryniska, Garryvacum, Gash, Glasha, Glebe, Glenall, Glenamoon, Glenbarrow, Glenbower, Glenconra, Glendine, Glendineoregan, Glenkeen Lower, Glenkeen Upper, Glenkitt, Glennaglass, Gorragh Lower, Gorragh Upper, Gorreelagh, Gortavoata, Gorteen, Gorteenahilla, Gorteenameale, Gorteenara, Gortlusky, Gortnaclea, Gortnaglogh, Gortnagroagh, Gortnalee, Gossbrook, Graceswood, Graigavern, Graigueadrisly, Graigueafulla, Graigueagarran, Graigueanossy, Graigueard, Graigueavallagh, Graigueavoice, Graiguenahown, Graiguenasmuttan, Granafallow, Grange Beg, Grange Lower, Grange More, Grange Upper, Grantstown, Greatheath, Grenan, Grogan, Guileen, Gurraun, Harristown, Haywood Demesne, Heathlodge, Hophall, Inch, Inchanisky, Ironmills, Iry, Island, Jamestown, Johnsborough, Johnstown Glebe, Keelagh, Keeloge North, Keeloge South, Keelough Glebe, Kilbeg, Kilbrackan, Kilbreedy, Kilbrickan, Kilbride, Kilcoke, Kilcolmanbane, Kilcoran, Kilcotton, Kilcronan, Kildellig, Kildrinagh, Kilkeeran, Killadooley, Killaglish, Killalooghan, Killamuck, Killasmeestia, Killavally, Killeany, Killeen, Killenard, Killenny, Killermogh, Killimy, Killinaparson, Killinure, Killone, Kilmainham, Kilmalogue, Kilmanman, Kilmartin, Kilmilan, Kilminchy, Kilminfoyle, Kilmullen, Kilmurry, Kilnacash, Kilnaseer, Kilnashane, Kilpurcel, Kilrory, Kilteale, Kilvahan, Knapton, Knightstown, Knockacoller, Knockacrin, Knockahaw, Knockahonagh, Knockamullin, Knockanina, Knockannagad, Knockanoran, Knockanowal, Knockardagannon North, Knockardagannon South, Knockardagur, Knockaroe, Knockbaun, Knockbrack, Knockfin, Knockheel, Knocklead, Knockmay, Knocknagrally, Knocknagroagh, Knocknakearn, Knocknambraher, Knocknamoe, Knockphilip, Knocks, Knockseera, Kyle, Kyleamullaun, Kylebeg, Kyleclonhobert, Kylekiproe, Kylespiddoge, Kyletalesha, Kyletilloge, Lacka, Lackan, Lackey, Lamberton Demesne, Larch Hill, Larragan, Lauragh, Laurel Hill, Lea, Leap, Legaun, Levally, Lisbigney, Lisduff, Lismore, Lismurragha, Lisnagomman, Lisnarode, Longford, Lough, Loughakeo, Loughill, Loughmansland Glebe, Loughnamuck, Loughteeog, Lowran, Luggacurren, Lyroge, Magheranaskeagh, Manger, Mannin, Maryborough, Marymount, Maynebog, Meelick, Middlemount, Mill Land, Moanfad, Moat, Moher East, Moher West, Monaferrick, Monamanry, Monamonra, Monasop, Mondrehid, Monelly, Moneyballytyrrell, Moneycleare, Money Lower, Moneymore, Money Upper, Monicknew, Monnagh, Morett, Mountainfarm, Mounteagle, Mountfead, Mounthall, Mountmellick, Mountoliver, Mountrath, Moyanna, Moyne, Mucklone, Mullaghanard, Newtown, Northgrove, Nutgrove, Nyra, Ockanaroe, Oldborris, Oldcamp, Oldglass, Oldmill, Oldtown, Old Town, Omoresforest, Orchard Lower, Orchard Upper, Oughaval, Paddock, Pallas Big, Pallas Little, Palmershill, Park, Parkavilla, Parkbawn, Park Lower, Parknahown, Park Upper, Pass, Peafield, Pilgrimhill, Poormansbridge, Portarlington, Portlaoise, Portnahinch, Portree, Powelstown, Raggettstown, Rahanavannagh, Rahandrick Lower, Rahandrick Upper, Raheen, Raheenabrogue, Raheenahoran, Raheenaniska, Raheenanisky, Raheenbarnagh, Raheenduff, Raheenduff Big, Raheenduff Little, Raheenleagh, Raheen Lower, Raheennahown, Raheennahown North, Raheennahown South, Raheenphelan Glebe, Raheensheara, Raheen Upper, Ralish, Rapla, Rath, Rathbrennan, Rathcoffey, Rathcrea, Rathdowney, Ratheven, Rathgarry, Rathleague, Rathleash, Rathmakelly Glebe, Rathmiles, Rathmore, Rathmoyle, Rathnaleugh, Rathnamanagh, Rathphelan, Rathpiper North, Rathpiper South, Rathronshin, Rathsaran Glebe, Reary Beg, Reary More, Rearyvalley, Redcastle, Redhills, Ringstown, Rinn, Rosenallis, Rosnamullane, Ross, Rossadown, Rossalee, Rossbaun, Rossconnell Glebe, Rossdarragh, Rossdorragha, Rosskelton, Rossleaghan, Rossmore, Rossnabarnagh, Rossnaclonagh Inside, Rossnaclonagh Outside, Rossnacreena, Rossnadough, Rossnagad, Roundwood, Rush Hall, Rushin, Russellstown, Scarroon, Sconce Lower, Sconce Upper, Scotchrath, Scotland, Scrub And Glenmacolla, Sentryhill, Shaen, Shanahoe, Shanavaur, Shanbally, Shanbeg, Shanboe, Shanderry, Shangownagh, Shanvaghey, Skeagh, Skerry, Spaquarter, Springfield, Springhill, Springmount, Srah, Srahanboy, Srahbaun, Srahcullen, Srahduff Glebe, Srahleagh, Sronagh, Stewartsgrove, Straboe, Stradbally, Strahard, Summerhill, Swan, Tarbert, Templequain, The Derries, The Heath, Timahoe, Timogue, Tinacrannagh, Tinnaclohy, Tinnahinch, Tinnakill, Tinnaragh, Tinnaraheen, Tinneel, Tintore, Tinwear, Tirhogar, Toberboe, Togher, Tomoclavin, Tonafarna, Tonduff, Tooreagh, Toortaun, Townparks, Trascan, Trumra, Tubbrid, Tullacommon, Tullaghan, Tullomoy, Tullore, Tullyroe, Turfarney, Tursalla, Ullard, Vicarstown, Watercastle, Whitefield, Whiteswall, Windsor, Wranglestown,
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