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R21 Muine Bheag Aclare, Aghabeg, Bagenalstown, Ballaghaderneen, Ballinacrea, Ballinkillin, Ballinree, Ballinrush, Ballintrane, Ballybrommell, Ballycormick, Ballydarton, Ballykeenan, Ballyknockan, Ballyloughan, Ballymoon, Ballynakill, Ballynamire, Ballytimmin, Ballywilliamroe, Bealalaw, Boghouse, Boherduff, Bohermore, Booldurragh, Cappawater, Carrig Beg, Carrig More, Carrignafecka, Carrigpark, Clashganny, Clonacur, Clonbulloge, Clonee East, Clonee West, Clonegah, Clonetoose, Clorusk Lower, Clorusk Upper, Closutton, Clowater, Coolasnaghta, Coolnacuppoge, Coolnapish, Coolnasheegan, Corries, Corries Cross, Craanaha, Croanruss, Curraghacruit, Currenree, Donore, Drumfea, Dunleckny, Farranafreney, Fennagh, Fenniscourt, Garryhill, Glannahary, Glebe, Gormona, Heath, Janeville, Kilbrickan, Kilcarrig, Kilconner, Kilcruit, Kildreenagh, Kilgraney, Kilkey, Killinane, Kilmaglin, Kilmaglush, Kilree, Knockbrack, Knockclonagad, Knockdramagh, Knockendrane, Knockullard, Labanasigh, Lasmaconly, Lorum, Lumcloon, Milltown, Moanmore, Moneybeg, Mountmelican, Mountpleasant, Myshall, Newtown, Raheenliegh, Raheenwood, Rathduff, Rathedan, Rathercan, Rathnageeragh, Rossacurra, Rosslee, Seskinryan, Shangarry, Sheean, Skahanrane, Sliguff, Straduff, Tinnagarney, Toberbride, Ullard Beg, Ullard More, Upton, Wells,
R93 Carlow Acaun, Agha, Aghade, Aghanure, Agharue, Aghaterry, Aghcross, Aghowle Lower, Aghowle Upper, Aghwater, Altamont, Annagar, Anneville, Ardateggle, Ardattin, Ardbearn, Ardbearn And Torman, Ardnaboy, Ardnehue, Ardough, Ardoyne, Ardristan, Ashfield, Ballaghaclay, Ballaghmoon, Ballaghmoon Castle, Ballaghmore, Ballickmoyler, Ballickmoyler Upper, Ballinabrannagh, Ballinacarrig, Ballinadrum, Ballinagilky, Ballinastraw, Ballinrahin, Ballintemple, Ballinvally, Ballon, Ballybannon, Ballybar Lower, Ballybar Upper, Ballybit Big, Ballybit Little, Ballybrack Beg, Ballybrack More, Ballycarney, Ballyconnell, Ballycook, Ballycrogue, Ballycullane Lower, Ballycullane Upper, Ballycurragh, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyfoyle, Ballygarret, Ballygowan, Ballyhacket Lower, Ballyhacket Upper, Ballyharmon, Ballyhide, Ballykealey, Ballykilduff Lower, Ballykilduff Upper, Ballykillane, Ballykillen, Ballykilmurry Lower, Ballyknockan, Ballyleen, Ballylennon, Ballyloo, Ballylower, Ballymogue, Ballymurphy, Ballynaboley, Ballynagall, Ballynakill, Ballynakillbeg, Ballynavortha, Ballynoe, Ballynolan, Ballynunnery, Ballyoliver, Ballyraggan, Ballyryan, Ballysallagh Lower, Ballysallagh Upper, Ballyshane, Ballytarsna, Ballyvangour, Ballyveal, Ballyvergal, Ballyvolden, Bannagagole, Barnacashel, Barnhill, Baunleath, Baunogenasraid, Baunogephlure, Baunreagh, Bellmount, Bellshill, Bendinstown, Bennekerry, Bestfield, Bilboa, Blackcastle, Blackhill, Blindennis, Boggan, Bohernasear, Boolyrathornan, Boolyvannanan, Borough, Bough, Broomville, Broughillstown, Brownbog, Burgage, Burtonhall Demesne, Busherstown, Butlersgrange, Cannonsquarter, Cappagh, Cappalug, Cappanaboe, Cappanamrogue, Carlow, Carrarea, Carrickslaney, Cassagh, Castlegrace, Castlemore, Castleroe East, Castleroe West, Castletown, Chapelstown, Cloghna, Cloghristick, Clogrenan, Clonagh, Clonbrock, Cloneen, Clonmacshane, Clonmelsh, Clonmore, Clonybecan, Cloonaloo, Closh, Coan, Coan East, Coan West, Commons, Coneykeare, Constablehill, Coolalaw, Coolanagh, Coolanowle, Coolcullen, Coole, Coolhenry, Coolkenna, Coolmanagh Lower, Coolmanagh Upper, Coolnakeeran, Coolnakisha, Coolraheen North, Coolraheen South, Coolrain, Coolroe, Cooperhill Demesne, Coorlaghan, Coornariska, Coppenagh, Craanlusky, Craanpursheen, Craans, Cranavonane, Crecrin, Crettyard, Croghtenclogh, Cronaliegh, Croneskagh Lower, Croneskagh Upper, Crooket, Crossneen, Cunaberry, Curragh, Davisshill, Demesne, Derrymoyle, Doonane, Downings, Drisoge, Drumagh, Drumguin, Drummin, Duffery, Dunmanoge, Eaglehill, Emlicon, Farranacurragh, Farranaphlure, Feamore, Fonthill, Friarstown, Garreenleen, Garrendenny, Garrettstown, Garrough, Garryhundon, Gilbertstown, Glenoge, Gortahile, Gorteengrone, Gorteenvacan, Gotham, Gowle, Graigue, Graiguealug, Graiguenaspiddoge, Grange, Grangeford, Grangeford Old, Grangewat, Greenane, Gurteen, Hacketstown, Hacketstown Lower, Hacketstown Upper, Hallahoise, Haroldstown, Harristown, Hollymount, Inchisland, Island, Jerusalem, Johnduffswood, Johnstown, Johnstown North, Johnstown South, Keeloge, Kellistown East, Kellistown West, Kernanstown, Kilballyhue, Kilbride, Kilcarney Lower, Kilcarney Upper, Kilconnaught, Kilcoole, Kilgory, Kilgraney, Kilknock, Killabeg, Killalongford, Killamaster, Killane, Killeeshal, Killenny, Killenora, Killerrig, Killeshin, Killinure, Killyshane, Kilmacart, Kilmagarvoge, Kilmeany, Kilmurry, Kneestown, Knockagarry, Knockarda, Knockballystine, Knockbane, Knockbarragh, Knockbeg, Knockbower, Knockboy, Knockdoorish, Knockeen, Knockevagh, Knocklishen Beg, Knocklishen More, Knockloe, Knockmajor, Knocknaboley, Knocknabranagh And Knockbaun, Knocknagee, Knocknagilky Lower, Knocknaskeagh, Knocknatubbrid, Knockroe, Knockshannagh, Lackan, Ladystown, Lambstown, Larah, Leagh, Leany, Leighlinbridge, Levitstown, Linkardstown, Lisbush, Liscolman, Lisgarvan, Lisnevagh, Lumcloon, Maganey, Maganey Lower, Maganey Upper, Maidenhead, Maplestown, Mayo, Milltown, Minvaud Lower, Minvaud Upper, Moanacurragh, Moanalow, Moanamanagh, Moanavoth, Moanduff, Monaclaudy, Monastill, Monavea, Money Lower, Money Upper, Monure, Moorestown, Mortarstown Lower, Mortarstown Upper, Mountkelly, Mountneill, Mountwolseley, Moyle Big, Moyle Little, Moylisha, Nashe's Quarter, Newacre, Newgarden, Newstown, Newtownallen, Newtownpilsworth, Nurney, Oakpark, Olderrig, Oldleagh, Oldleighlin, Oldtown, Orchard, Ouragh, Palatine, Park, Parknakyle, Patrickswell, Phillipstown, Pollerton Big, Pollerton Little, Porchavodda, Powerstown, Prumpelstown Upper, Quigginroe, Quinagh, Raheen, Raheenadaw, Raheendoran, Raheenkillane, Raheenwood, Rahill, Rainestown, Rappa, Rath, Rathbane, Rathbaun, Rathcrogue, Rathdaniel, Rathduff, Rathduffmore, Rath East, Ratheeragh, Rathellin, Rathglass, Rathlyon, Rathmore, Rathnafushoge, Rathnagrew Lower, Rathnagrew Upper, Rathnapish, Rathnashannagh, Rathornan, Rathrush, Rathshanmore East, Rathshanmore South, Rathshanmore West, Rathtillig, Rathtoe, Rathvarrin, Rathvilly, Rathvinden, Rathwade, Reevanagh, Ricketstown, Ricketstown North, Ricketstown South, Ridge, Roscat, Rossena, Rosstillegane, Rushes, Russellstown, Scotland, Seskin Lower, Seskinrea, Seskin Upper, Shanvally, Sherwood, Sherwoodpark, Shrule, Slaneyquarter, Sleaty, Springhill, Sragh, Stanney, Staplestown, Straboe, Stralusky, Strawhall, Tankardstown, Templeowen, Templepeter, The Butts, Tinnaclash, Tinnasragh, Tinriland, Tinryland, Tirernan, Tobinstown, Tomard Lower, Tomard Upper, Tombeagh, Tomnaslough, Tomnasock, Towlerton, Tuckamine, Tullow, Tullowbeg, Tullowclay, Tullowphelim, Turra, Turtane, Urglin, Uskerty, Vermount, Waterstown, Williamstown, Woodland, Woodlands, Woodside,
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